I have a few regulars, including 1 mature male, but, until now only the females have arrived simultaneously (whatever that means!). A few minutes ago the male finally arrived while a female was feeding so I saw my first courtship dance of the season - here's hoping for lots of fledglings in a few weeks! So, Richard, any action at your place?
quickly went back and tried to find posts from when i spotted one last year. i remember that my lone hummer comes later than the rest of yours and happened when i was planting tomatoes.
so far? nothing that i know of. my columbine's in full bloom. my fuscia's starting to bloom a bit, but is still probably a week away. and my red bee balm is obviously nowhere close to blooming.
i bought a basketball-sized xmas ornament and it's on the ground beside my feeder. hoping that will lure one to my yard. but so far, nothing. although i heard a blackburnian warbler calling from somewhere near our yard yesterday.