On Friday, it started well just after 7 am with sun, lots of scattered birds and birdsong. Bugs were in the open and plentiful keeping the birds active and visible. I had 13 species but I believe I missed onr that others saw and that was a Chestnut-sided and there could have been others. By 10 a.m it was darker, colder and the bugs had retreated. Under these conditions all of the birds seemed to retreat to the middle of the wet woods. Nothing on the east side except someone else saw a Scarlet Tanager. Mainly sparrows and an American Redstart in the bowl.
But from the entrance on Leslie straight through the middle I saw:
Gray-cheeked Thrush (popped up a few feet right in front of me and seemed surprised I was there and retreated)
Swainson's Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Ovenbird 2
Y-rumped, many
Yellow, many
Common Yellowthroat (heard only)
American Redstart 1
Magnolia 1
Palm, several
Black and White 1 (but there were probably more)
Black-throated Blue, possibly 2-3, most singing and only 1 visible
Blackburnian 1
Nashville, a few
Tennessee 1
Cape May, found near the Unwin entrance, sometimes in the park and sometimes across the street by the dragon boats
There were reports of a Scarlet Tanager on the east side in the larger trees
warbling Vireo, at least a couple
Blue-headed Vireo
Marsh Wren was nice, close to where you step through the largest puddle before reaching the dogwoods
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrows 2
And what turned out to be a Long-eared Owl being chased around by Red-winged Blackbirds. This is one time I feel comfortable reporting on an owl.