Scarborough Bear
Outdoor Ontario

Scarborough Bear

Axeman · 3 · 2221


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I thought the recent bear incident in Scarborough would have generated a bit more of a stir....I guess you Torontonians are used to wildlife now  8)

I have to say, I sympathize with the police...they were really in a tough spot...we had a bear incident up here in which a young bear had to be destroyed on Canada Day last year...and the poor officer had no training on how to shoot a was traumatic for her...(the poor bear had been hit by a car, was in a lot of pain and there was no way to get it medical attention in a hurry bc there was no way to sedate it)....

I was amused that the homeowner had no idea of the drama that unfolded in his backyard until the cops woke him up...

Any further details on the bear? I'm guessing it was a youngish boar?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I was upset that the police shot that North American Black Bear.  I have seen many North American Black Bears in the wild, both in the forest and feeding at landfill sites, and I have never had one single problem.  The North American Black Bear that was shot was about a 300 pounds.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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It was upsetting for sure but I don't believe the police had a choice. That poor creature was doomed. If they let it wander, they'd have to follow it. It would very likely have wandered into traffic. At some point there would have been a human / bear interaction.

I don't understand why the Ministry couldn't reach faster.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »