Last summer,I was priviledged to be part of a Canadian Peregrine Foundation hack release program. We raised 4 young Peregrine Falcons atop the roof of a Bell Canada building in Scarborough. All 4 fledged successfully and flew away in October. As young Peregrines tend to wander for their first few years,we didnt expect to hear anything of our 4 young falcons,for some time yet. To my surprise and delight,Monday I recieved a message from Marion Nash of CPF,that one of the young males from last years project,returned right to the hackbox. Its band was read and we know for certain who it is. This is great news,as first year mortality for Peregrine Falcons(as with most raptors) is very high...some research suggests over 80%. We are thrilled our little guy has made it,and "come home".