Thanks for the nice comments everyone, I appreciate them.
Tyler et al -> just out of curiousity, after looking at their (Harlequins) preferred nesting locales, does anyone else think that the Niagara River would make an excellent breeding location in our vicinity?
Everyone -> I went out trying to find a Black Back Gull (something about them just does it for me) but I couldn't find one. I know it's a little late in the season, but has anyone seen one still around?
Here's the locations and numbers for the birds that I photographed:
3 Caspian Turns -> Western Beach and over filtration ponds
2 (M+F) Harlequins -> Eastern Beach, tight to the rocks @ first and then out cruising between beach and lighthouse
1 (F) Oldsquaw -> same location as the Harlequins
Numerous (M+F) Buffleheads -> boat launch ramps and Eastern Beach, same as the Harlequins
1 Redhead -> East of the Bridge @ the Yacht Club Entrance Gate
1 Common Merganser -> first in the harbour directly accross from the washrooms, then later with the Redhead.