After finding the Common Eider last week with mc coburn, it remained at Humber Bay West through Saturday. Sunday it was nowhere to be seen but reappeared at HBW on Monday. Yesterday, Wednesday the 14th, I was at Colonel Sam with mc and we met Monika Croydon.
After searching in vain for the Boreal Chickadee the three of us walked toward the west side in search of the Boreal Chickadee and Common Redpolls. We ran into a birder who asked me to review his photo which he believed was a female Common Eider. It was. I did not get his name but believe it was Thomas Ouchterlony. We three split up. I walked toward Whimbrel Point to try to relocate the eider (and redpolls). Monika and mc walked the west shore. They relocated the Common Eider and got close photos before it flew farther west. I captured it only from a distance in a photo. I believe Thomas may have been the first to see the Common Eider at Colonel Sam. I was thrilled to see it again at a second location. Those searching for the eider should consider it is now travelling between Humber Bay and Sams, and likely other nearby spots.