It could be a Grosbeak, although the beak profile on your last photo doesn't
seem quite gross enough. The breast streaking fits, the bands on the head
and the notched tail all make it plausible. On a related note, the sudden
appearance of a bird above you on a branch that crosses the brightness of
the sky is an annoying problem for any photographer. Your meter will detect
the bright sky and increase your shutter speed (if you are preset to Av-mode).
You would need superpowers to adjust with right side compensation in an
instant. It's tough enough to get your lens on the subject before is moves and
also achieve a AF lock. I tried to boost the mid-range brightness on your photo
to discern more detail but even that didn't help much. The file resolution was
too low. I saw my first backyard Baltimore Oriole today. I immediately put out
the hummingbird feeder and some oranges but it didn't return yet.