Bobolink at Ashbridges Bay
Outdoor Ontario

Bobolink at Ashbridges Bay


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Bobolink at Ashbridges bay yesterday. Feeds on the grass (lawn) but easily
spooked by passers-by. Even when several photographers were sprawled on
the lawn to get grass-level shots pedestrians were traipsing past, thereby
spooking the bobolink despite the unmistakable clue that we were not
belly down camera poised without a good reason. Put a cellphone in someone's hands,
or if they are engaged in conversation with a companion the odds are that
they remain oblivious to their surroundings. In that case, why even go to
the park. Oh yaaa! Then there are dogs. It is a dog park after all.
I posted some photos of Bob in the photo link.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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To be fair the dog situation has gotten a lot better.  I think they've been dishing out some hefty fines.  

I find myself getting more annoyed with the loud music coming form the beach or dozens of anglers that are now spamming the shorelines.  But it is a pedestrian park after all, you can't expect nobody to go there, as oblivious as they are to the wildlife around them.  I find myself being more bewildered by people going to TTP just to do things they can easily do in their own backyard or a stroll through their neighbourhood.  

I often wonder if they would also go on a safari and then talk about their daily nothings on the phone or with their buddies.  Or would they actually pay attention to the wildlife which is what parks like TTP or safaris are meant for.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!


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Perhaps your right by proposing that the dog nuisance at Ashbridges is not as intense
as it used to be as defined by the absence of that yapping beagle that would bark all day long!
The dog minder was anesthetized to the racket because she was entirely preoccupied by
her mobile phone screen. I would relocate as far away from that unhappy or mentally
ill dog as I could. I'll admit that I felt like throwing that dog on the barbe but I would
never actually do that. The minder is another matter. The itinerant bobolink had amazing
patience by its constant relocation due to pedestrians and dogs on the lawn. I'm
thinking it would think twice before returning to Ashbridges except that it would have
difficulty thinking even once, which is once more than some of the park visitors.
The dirt side trails are for nature enthusiasts, yet dog walkers, bikers and joggers
feel it necessary to infiltrate every narrow path they can find even though their goal
in the park does not demand it. Then there's always the wet woods if you need respite
from perambulators.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "Rotarran"
To be fair the dog situation has gotten a lot better.....
You are too optimistic Elias. I dropped by there this morning and saw this.

The owner was standing on the sandbank and screaming at the top of her voice urging the dog to stop. The dog eventually left the Swans alone and the woman finally leashed her dog as it came close to the shore line. However, that was not before the dog ran wildly around chasing every bird on the ground.

Anyway, otherwise it was a great outing for me. There was no sign of the Summer Tanager that was seen yesterday; however, there were warblers everywhere, nice surprise was a pair of Blackpoll warblers and three Indigo Buntings.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »