Common Gallinule & Sora
Outdoor Ontario

Common Gallinule & Sora


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First time I saw a Common Gallinule and a Sora was in Aruba back in 2013. Since then I have been hoping to see them here in Ontario. It finally happened in the morning of June 1st when I managed to see them both in Cranberry Marsh in Whitby, Ontario. They are very secretive birds; however, on that morning I was lucky to see them both in close proximity and out in the open. I saw a pair of Sora near the south lookout area - they came so close that I had hard time keeping them in focus. The Common Gallinule was near the North Lookout area and Compared to the Soras, the Common Gallinule was lot more shy.

1. Common Gallinule

2. Sora

By the way, my edition of David M. Bird's Birds of Canada only lists Common Moorhen, there's no mention of Common Gallinule. Then I read that American Ornithologists' Union split Common Gallinule from Old World Common Moorhen in 2011 based on their audiological and morphological differences. Here's an interesting article explaining the decision of split.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 11:14:29 PM by Dinusaur »


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Great shots Dinu.  I saw my first Sora back on May 25th in the Bruce Peninsula.  My photo was of it in reeds not in the open as yours.  Still waiting to see my first Common Gallinule and get a photo.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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That Sora must have come right up to the path beside or behind the platform.
I was there a few days earlier and absolutely nothing moved anywhere. You
know how to pick the good days. I've only seen a Sora once and certainly not
a pair of them. Thanks for posting those crisp photos.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "Shortsighted"
That Sora must have come right up to the path beside or behind the platform.
I was there a few days earlier and absolutely nothing moved anywhere....

You are right- this photo was taken when the Sora was crossing the path leading to the platform, from right to left. It then proceeded to take a bath right beside the platform where I was standing and watching it with amusement. At some point it collected some nesting material and went to the left of the platform in the marshy area, probably intending to build a nest. I heard that next day some people observed territorial dispute between the Sora and a Virginia Rail which I missed during my visit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I stopped at Cranberry Marsh today and I did get a brief visual on that Virginia Rail
spied just north of the gravel path leading up to the northern platform. It clucked and it was gone.
No sign of a Sora at either observation station. I spent too much valuable early
morning time at the southern section and therefore by the time I checked out the
northern site for railing it was too late for much action. Man, that sun was already hot!
I heard a piercing call from the reeds about where the rail disappeared. That occurred
about 15 minutes after it vanished. As far as I know a rail can't make that loud
a call, and a Sora definitely can't project like that, so I really don't know what it was.
An Eastern Wood Pewee was hanging around and calling in the distance but when ever
I spotted it perched it was still too far away. Slow movement in the vegetation over
the edge of the platform revealed a snapping turtle. It was not in the open so a photo
was pointless. Something else was calling repeatedly from a small tree standing in
water just SE of the platform but I'm useless at interpreting bird calls so I don't know
what that was either. I wish I could still hear it in my head. I could have deployed the
microphone on my DSLR but that would be far too clever for the likes of me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The report of three desperados at Cranberry Marsh warranted a return visit.
Let's face it, I wasn't expecting that all three would be hanging around together
like they were a band, or something. Indeed, only the rail was making the scene
and I could dig it, man. I actually spied two rails at one point and it did not come
as a surprise because I could clearly over-hear a family squabble among the reeds.
There is a sort of homestead about 8 meters north the path. Mostly only one rail
ventured forth on a brief foray, so seeing a rail was easy enough but actually getting
a clear shot of it was another matter entirely. It was very frustrating because there
was always some form of obstruction, dried or succulent and all part of nature's
plan to drive me nuts. I'm sure the rail found it amusing. Whenever someone
showed up the rail vanished. Despite proclaiming the rail's presence not a single
long-glass visitor stayed long enough to see it. Once I was alone again the rail
would reappear. Having heard the ruckus I now know what a rail sounds like. I
managed to imitate that call with my lips against the back of my hand. I needed
to use my right hand because my left hand is tone deaf. I tried not to overdue it.
I'm disappointed that I did not see the Sora that Dinu reported and photographed.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 06:55:30 PM by Shortsighted »


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Oh wow; you got excellent photos of the Rails, given your patience like a hermit no wonder you get these kind of shots despite mother nature throwing curve ball at you. A friend of mine visited the marsh on Friday and he saw the Sora but no luck with the Rail. It is worth a repeat visit for  me I guess. The only time I saw a Virginal Rail was two years ago in Carden Alvar, closer to home is always a better option.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »