The report of three desperados at Cranberry Marsh warranted a return visit.
Let's face it, I wasn't expecting that all three would be hanging around together
like they were a band, or something. Indeed, only the rail was making the scene
and I could dig it, man. I actually spied two rails at one point and it did not come
as a surprise because I could clearly over-hear a family squabble among the reeds.
There is a sort of homestead about 8 meters north the path. Mostly only one rail
ventured forth on a brief foray, so seeing a rail was easy enough but actually getting
a clear shot of it was another matter entirely. It was very frustrating because there
was always some form of obstruction, dried or succulent and all part of nature's
plan to drive me nuts. I'm sure the rail found it amusing. Whenever someone
showed up the rail vanished. Despite proclaiming the rail's presence not a single
long-glass visitor stayed long enough to see it. Once I was alone again the rail
would reappear. Having heard the ruckus I now know what a rail sounds like. I
managed to imitate that call with my lips against the back of my hand. I needed
to use my right hand because my left hand is tone deaf. I tried not to overdue it.
I'm disappointed that I did not see the Sora that Dinu reported and photographed.