I strongly suggest visiting a store that stocks a variety of good binoculars that you can try side by side. If you are making the trek to Point Pelee, Pelee Wings is hard to beat in that regard, and their prices are very competitive too. I'm not sure if there's anything comparable in Toronto. Maybe Eftonscience?
I bought a pair of
8x40 Nikon Action EX 3 years ago and have been very satisfied with them. I think I paid $199 then, but they're less now. I was prepared to spend much more, but I couldn't find anything under $1000 that I liked better. I know you really need roof prisms to be considered a serious birder, but I just don't find most of them comfortable to hold.
It's virtually impossible to compare two binoculars without comparing side by side unless one is clearly inferior. I also would caution against buying something based on reviews without actually trying them. I have been surprised at how much I didn't like some binoculars that got great reviews. It's a very personal choice.
Also, either my Nikons are a really well kept secret, or I'm totally out to lunch, because I don't see many other birders using them. I guess advice is worth what you pay for it! :wink: