I can see the need for the "Do Not Feed" sign....I can see someone thinking "Oh what can it hurt" and leaving kibble for them.... :roll:
That's quite the pic...nice work and thanks....and in the middle of uptown Toronto....nice....nice to see the signs too....they had posted one once at the spit at the mouth of Cooksville Creek (Lake Ontario -- mississauga) and then they took it down...
I can imagine when a sign goes up, it causes the small minded to panic and get excited.
Re: unleashed dogs....as a dog owner that frustrates me to no end....I happen to enjoy large dogs...my current dog Crosby is a one eyed Dogue De Bordeaux....he's an ugly fearsome looking brute...intact -- with a pretty impressive pair I might add lol....and he just LOVES people....but while I know my dog, I understand that while walking in public, he will intimidate people so I keep him leashed (as required by law too) and if I see someone is hesitant, I move aside so they can pass without worry....I know of people (eg. my mother) who has a fear of dogs and even a lab with a wagging tail or some friendly little fluff ball will send her into a panic...it ruins her enjoyment of a public space...I have confronted some of these dumb ass owners and they just don't get it....and they'd be complaining and demanding that the coyotes be destroyed if something happened to their unleashed dog.....gggrrrrrr.
Then of course there are the owners who unleash their dogs and when the dog is doing something it shouldn't, they turn their heads because they have no control over their dog and couldn't stop the behaviour...eg. harassing a flock of geese or seagulls.
I think you're right....the sign should also say, "Not feeding the coyotes also includes KEEPING YOUR DOG ON A LEASH STUPID...so it doesn't end up as food."...of course, the reality is, only the smaller dogs or older med sized dogs would be in danger but people do exaggerate the risk TO their dog and ignore the risk the DOG POSES...I know Crosby has on occasion been at large (not intentionally) and a couple of times overnight....we live in coyote central (West Grey / Southgate) and he has not been harassed...in fact, the cat that hangs out on my deck (for the last 6 years) has yet to disappear...as a declawed cat you'd think she'd be an easy meal. (I didn't declaw her...she showed up like that. And she's not my cat. Anyone want an ugly freeloading cat?)