Owl Woods - Amherst Island
Outdoor Ontario

Owl Woods - Amherst Island

Paul O'Toole

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"The Owl Woods is closed from 18 November to 8 December. The Owl Woods is private land. The owners ask birders to stay out of the Woods during hunting season. KFN asks all birders to honour this long- term agreement.

This is deer hunting season! In South Frontenac, cross bow hunting is allowed
from 1 October to 31 December. Gun hunting is allowed from 4 to 17 November and from 2 to 8 December. Hunting is allowed on Sundays. When hiking and birding, wear bright colours, make noise.
Be prepared for Ticks. Wear long sleeves. Tuck long pants into socks. Use repellant."

Source: Kingston Field Naturalists
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Frequent Users
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Sage advice. Crossbows eh, who would have thought? I hope you didn't acquire this
cautious approach because of a fletching having tickled you as it whizzed past
your cheek during some past excursion. Hearing gunfire in the woods while birding
could give anyone's nerves a twist. Maybe a shot of outrageously coloured birders
cowering under a tree would be a relevant post under Dinu's Festival of Colour theme.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »