Outdoor Ontario



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Thought that I heard the distinct call of a warbler this morning.
It was coming from the woods across the street. In no way could
I tell what species it was. I usually see Myrtle and Pine in April
so it seems very early to hear one. Also spotted a Tree sparrow
on the finch feeder for the first time since mid-winter. It didn't
stay long and only time will tell if it returns for an encore. The
Red-bellied woodpecker hit the suet feeder for a few seconds and
then vamoosed. I've started to hear their calls again after a quiet
period. Not much happening in the realm of yardbirds. The suet
is almost gone and getting more is not exactly urgent or a sufficient
reason to shop ... ie) stand in line because they only allow 50 people
in the store at a time. No way am I standing in line for a woodpecker.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I might stand in line for a Red headed Woodpecker.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »