Hi Shortsighted,
I took your advice before(?) reading it and did indeed use the tripod at a low setting, even though I was sheltered from the wind and probably could have been more comfortable (back problems!) with a higher setting. The 50D and the 75-300 lens were too heavy for the tripod and my A650 is zoom deficient so I had to use the SX50. I had it repaired a couple of years ago but the rear dial still doesn't work properly and I went crazy while trying to set the shutter speed slower than 1 second, which is impossible when the ISO is above 80! To make a long story short, I got a few shots, which I still haven't downloaded, at 1 sec, F5.6, ISO 800, and when I zoom in I can see that exposing for more than 1 second changes the stars from points of light to star trails. I'll download a few shots later today to get the focal length and, weather permitting, I will try again tonight. The old A650 does allow for longer exposures at higher ISO's so I will try it as well.