Ally, I'm very surprised that you feel that way about punched-out filter effects.I could not imagine that the effect would be anyone's favourite processing feature.I prefer the effects that transform a photograph into a paint rendering, as inoil paint, or acrylic paint because I enjoy the slight simplification of the imagethat a paint filter delivers. Certainly, those last filtered shots also looks like arendering but they are decidedly more impressionistic, ... not that there is anythingwrong with that approach. I suppose that I should have expected your pleasure sinceyou liked "Outnumbered and Considering One's Options".I was going to do one more chapter involving the topic of filter stacking but then thought it better to skip that theme because the results can be very bazaar indeed. Now that I know you are an art-head I may actually post that final topic after all,even if no one else will enjoy it.