What do I do about action shots!
What ... do .... I .... do?
Whaaat .... do ... I ... do?
Whaaat, whaat, what, wa,wa,wa .... I sound like a duck.
I have people for that.
Seriously, I do the same thing as I always do .... avoid conflict.
I turn off my imaginary stabilization. It doesn't exist so you might
say that it responds to voice command.
I employ the back focusing button.
While my camera is still pointing elsewhere I turn it on,
push the ISO button and crank the wheel in a second,
unless the ISO is ALREADY high enough for the situation.
Because of a bright sky, I put my thumb on the rear button and hold while my finger
swirls the selector wheel to the right ... say, about a full stop, or so.
Lift the camera to find the action, hold down the rear focus
button while centering the subject as it moves, pan to follow
and burst into action. Man, I sound like an action-figure.
I chimp the image unless the sun is too bright to see the screen
and then zoom in with the magnification feature to check for sharpness
and then, well, I usually curse. I don't fret over the inherent difficulty
associated with action shot photography because I figure that pursuit
is for grown-ups and therefore I should not expect much success in that
department. Action shots, indeed! To be succinct (as if that were even possible)
... I'm not you!