Plant Suggestions
Outdoor Ontario

Plant Suggestions

Axeman · 5 · 1528


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We are doing a little landscaping in back of our house. In spring / summer it gets good early a.m. sun which then fades in late a.m. but comes back again in the later afternoon...our landscaper had drawn up plans that include Calgary carpet juniper, Anderson Yew, pagoda dogwood, Astilibe, hydrangea diamond rouge....and a few wife and I weren't thrilled with the plant materials selected....I'm looking to increase bird traffic....I'm going to suggest to him winterberry...lilac (not sure if there's enough sun), and Sambucus canadensis.....

Anyone have any suggestions that would help bring in more birds? (partial sun / shade)


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Mulberries are popular (Robins, Starlings, Orioles, Waxwings, even woodpeckers and others). Don't know if it's suitable at your location/partial shade.



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oh you had me until starlings....we don't have a population of them here at my home....they stick to the towns I guess....but I sure as heck don't want to encourage them lol....I'll check out mulberries....on my list of animals I don't like  -- which features black flies and mosquitoes -- the starling rates above the easter grey squirrel for dislike lol.

Thank you for the lead.


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Mulberries trees also attract birds like Grey Catbirds...
In 2009 my wife moved what she thought was a rose of Sharon from the edge of the deck to our back fence. Turned out it was a Mulberry tree it is now 15 ft tall and 5 inches diameter at the base.
See my post from on: June 19, 2010, 11:22:58  .  the images no longer work as they are old links.
Careful with this fruit. It is tasty but the birds make a mess.

Napper :)   anything goes section
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 06:50:42 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?

Dr. John

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In addition to elderberries, consider some kind of serviceberry/saskatoon berry.  They have lovely white flowers in the spring, produce great tasting berries around late June/early July that the robins also love and will chastise you for taking some of their share.  Waxwings also go for these.  Chokecherry is another good option for berry-eating birds - and great for jellies or pies (if you don't mind tons of pits).  Sumac is another favourite for robins - and great for making pink "lemonade".

If you want to attract hummingbirds, jewelweed is a native plant that is easy to grow and they like to visit.  Another one they love is cardinal flower (also native), but you need a "wet" section for it.