Wow! That cherry tree is pure gold. It not only looks good but seems to be a magnet for migratory birds I took down the feeder because there were no birds using it beyond house sparrows and cowbirds, or perhaps the occasional cardinal. The fallen seed was attracting mice and a rat. I've even stopped visiting the woodlot across the street. I can only visit for about 15 minutes before duties resume. I never see anything when I'm there. Still have not seen a single warbler. Even when walking along the street I scrutinize the the bushes that skirt the other side of the street and if anything moves at all it will be a robin. Not even squirrels. There are robins everywhere. I have not heard or seen any other thrush. Not even an oriole can be heard. It's like post-apocalypse out there. The only sounds are the train every 15 minutes, lawn mowers, saws, weedwackers, leaf blowers, compressors, heavy machinery, trucks backing up, delivery vans, motorcycles, dogs barking and the wind in the trees. I'm right next to the Rouge and yet it seems like I'm in a ghetto of man-made racket. There are so many cars parked in the Rouge lot that it must be like walking around the CNE. Even if I could go out it wouldn't be there.