A very good day. Excellent shots of a Marsh wren. This is a species I've heard half a dozen times, seen twice but never with a camera in hand. I would love to photograph this species but that's not going to happen without visiting a marsh, which is a no-go. Lucky proximity and good lighting to boot. Even capturing it calling ... outstanding! I suppose that your FC is an Eastern Wood Pewee but it almost looks like something else, such as an Acadian FC. It's vocalization would be definitive. Seems a little sleek and elongated for a Willow, although at a marsh it could also be an Alder FC, a species that enjoys wet locations. I'll have to look up Centennial park just out of curiosity. I think it is in the west-end of the city, or even Mississauga. Might as well by Mogadishu from my perspective.