Today we had 3 Cedar Waxwings fly catching in the tree next door while we were sitting on the deck less than 20 feet away. Of Course as soon as I went to grab the camera they disappeared.
Over the course of the last 3 weeks our Mulberry tree has been pretty much stripped of all of it's fruit. I think we stole 3 cups of fruit before the birds, Squirrels, Raccoons stripped the tree.
Our Neighbour has put out 3 feeders this summer, first time for them. Never before have I seen so many BlueJay Fledglings in our yard with no fear of us, ten feet away stealing peanuts before the squirrels take them. Lots of AM goldfinches around the feeders as well.
Second group of AM Robin Fledglings in the Mulberry tree this week.
Back to the Beach on Monday