Don't Ally just make your day? What a great superpower she has to bring to this forum. Steven, I'm sure that you shoot just a little under-exposed, perhaps at least a third of a stop. Ally might be identifying that in your technique and it makes her drool. I often shoot 2/3 rds of a stop to the left of center and then recoup shadow detail in PS, something that would work even better if I shot in RAW, which I do not do. I can't process RAW Canon files in PS because I do not have the driver to decrypt the image file. Since nothing I shoot is of any consequence, I have not even tried to rectify that situation. RAW files use up too much space and slow down my old camera in burst mode. Also, I find that shooting in RAW is just way too pretentious. To do so might make my head swell. A tumescent noggin could lead to other things, so shooting in RAW might represent a gateway habit forcing me down a rabbit hole I will never emerge from. You know, I might even begin to take things seriously and that would not end well.
I must admit that your Olympus sensor is sooooo sweet. You were wise to have gone that route. I guess you knew that you could afford that multi-thousand dollar lens when you set out on the Olympus journey. Why does everything cost thousands of dollars?That was a rhetorical question and therefore I don't expect a reply.