Highway 413 and raptors.
Outdoor Ontario

Highway 413 and raptors.


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If built, the proposed highway 413 will run parallel to the Brampton/Caledon border. The proposed route slices through prime habitat for Snowy Owls, Northern Harriers, Rough-legged Hawks and Short-eared owls. Before the north end of Brampton encroached on Caledon and the south end of Caledon encroached on Brampton, the area was locally known as a hotspot for Short-eared Owls. I have been lucky enough to catch sight of a couple of Short-eared Owls in recent winters past, but that has become exceedingly rare. Snowy Owls, Northern Harriers and Rough-legged Hawks are pretty reliable each winter along this proposed route. Distressing.


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Distressing indeed. Get used to the feeling. The encroachment will NEVER cease. No matter how many paved corridors that are built they will all bear traffic to congestion. The solution to traffic is to remove the need to traverse great distances on a daily basis just to find employment. Think of Ken Burns's NATIONAL PARKS documentary when he points out that the land currently under American National Parks status and National Monument status would otherwise have been logged, mined, and its wildlife exploited to extinction by corporate America just to make a buck. Even the few rich tourists that could afford the trip and were interested enough to undertake the journey ultimately looked upon Yellowstone with disdain and fear because it was just too wild and ungodly, underdeveloped as it was and therefore a waste of good land. Say your goodbyes now ... it will all be gone soon enough.


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
A very sad testament of our progression as human beings. This and the proposed Bradford Highway that will slice through Holland Marsh affecting all kinds of wildlife. I remember signing an online petition, with thousand others against the construction, but it all fell into deaf ear it seems.