Fun with grease
Outdoor Ontario

Fun with grease


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As previously stated, my seed platform (ground-above-my-feet) is usually covered with an oven pan and ballast to keep the marauding squirrels away. My hollowed-out mock tree trunk no longer stands proud on my steel pole because the squirrels jumped onto it from the arbour. This afternoon I observed an Eastern Gray sitting on the oven pan wondering where the seed was located. The beast is too feeble to translate the ballast and flip the underlying pan. While engaged with perplexity, or perhaps enraged by failure, it did not fail to spy the conventional gazebo-style feeder now fitted a-top the pole that previously supported the tree trunk section. That feeder is much higher than the seed platform. The squirrel eventually decided to attempt a heroic jump. Its effort brought it only as far as the steel pole and that is when it learned about grease. You see, I slathered lithium grease along the entire pole and try as it might its claws proved inadequate for the task. A funny sight watching the squirrel sliding down the pole in slow motion, uttering a plea "mother" in what passes for rodent speak.     


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funny story! Years ago  I sprayed PAM on the pipe that was supporting the feeder at the beach/cottage.
It was interesting to watch the little demon squirrels slide down the pole :) .I no longer put up feeders at cottage or at home because mice invaded my dryer at cottage and ate the wiring. I found black oil seed stored at the bottom of the exhaust duct. I no longer have any seed feeders, I have only a Oriole feeder at the  beach that has grape jelly as a food source.  I inherited it from my mom.
My Neighbours in Milton with three feeders have not clued in just quite yet >:( . I am  Catching mice in my garage and watching mice scurry up into their attic space.
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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[I have only a Oriole feeder at the  beach that has grape jelly as a food source.  I inherited it from my mom.

I'm glad you have that Napper...or should I say she was a birder too?

I always wonder about mice....I have a few feeders at the cottage but I use them sparingly....