Outdoor Ontario


cabz · 3 · 1760


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Southwest Caledon!!!!

A few minutes ago, standing out on our river porch, heard a loon calling!!?? What!!??  Loon!!!!?  Keep calling and then 3 came into view, flying in a southwesterly direction.

Made my day, got a northern experience without leaving home!!!!

Have a good and and better if one is birding day!!!!


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Sigh....no no no.....not good....southwesterly??????? It's tooooo early....nooo....sigh....Oh wait....might have been Wrongway Willy and his family.

I didn't realize they yodelled in flight.

Nice spotting...I can understand how that made your day....they're a true north strong and free icon (and I use the phrase as a Canadian...not in support of the feeble minded traitors who tried to overthrow our government.)


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    • http://www.flickr.com/photos/60250038@N02/
I was birding in Guildwood Park in Scarborough on Canada day when I saw a lone loon flying overhead, heading north away from the lake. Yeah, it is a rare sighting here this time of the year and eBird indicated so when I submitted my checklist.