The next time that you chance to travel north-east again please try Island Lake (just really a pond) situated on the west side of the York/Durham Line road and just south of Aurora Rd. (which ends at the York/Durham Line). Obviously do an online trip first. At the southern end of this pond/lake is a gravel road (Yake Crescent) that conveniently offers you a place to pull over and get a good look around for osprey ... almost sure to be there.
Why not get there early and bring a lunch (mmmm) and stake-out the site. From this location the sun is at your back. Your mighty nature photographer's arm, or your mighty glass, or the combined effect of a joint deployment might yield some good results. The site is called Island Lake because there is a small joke of an island where despicable things occasionally occur. I'll be there in spirit and wouldn't mind seeing the place again, albeit through your eyes only (cue the music, please). Sheena Easton? Could you play that from your car? OK, OK, this is getting really cool now.