The Azores!!!
Outdoor Ontario

The Azores!!!

cabz · 6 · 5051


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My husband and I are headed to the Azores for two months in the New Year.  Will be moving around the islands and possibly going to the mainland, but we tend to plan as we go if we like a place, availability of accommodation, weather  etc.
Any advice or information much appreciated.  First time there.  Maybe will try to meet up someone thru birding pal.

Thank you in advance.



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What??? And miss winter??? Pffft. Have fun. I have no advice other than umm.....dress warmly but....I"m guessing that's not relevant in the Azores.


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Thanks Axeman!!!!  Have only ever spent about 5 times out of the Canadian winter, so I know what we will not  be missing!!!!  Will see how rainy it will be, being out in the middle of the Atlantic!!!! 

Hope to get some lifers for the list!!!!


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Soo……..!!!!  2 more sleeps and we are off!!!!

Anyway, thought my European bird book would do for the Azores, but nope!!!

I have downloaded the bird packs for the area on Merlin, but the Audobon i have ( need to play with it more!!) seems only USA and Canada, so my question is;

If anyone here has been to the Azores, what did you do for a bird guide?

Many thanks in advance.

Happy Birding!!!!



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Back from our two months!!!!  My husband is complaining about this white stuff that is not sand!!!!  We did 4 islands in the Azores, Madera, and went to the mainland down to Sagres.  I got 66 species, with 18 lifers.  Did not go after the Azorean Bullfinch.  Most bird of note, unfortunately found dead on a beach was a Dovekie.  Got very familiar with the songs of the European Robin and Island Canary.

Wonderful trip, great scenery and the only snow we saw was on Mount Pico.


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Has it been two months already? Time flies when your half-dead. Congrats on getting the white stuff through customs. I'm assuming that it's pure white stuff without any of that nasty filler that might trigger an allergy. How much are you expecting to get for it on the street? Also, congrats on your lifers. No, wait, it's not a contest, is it? I hope not. I don't get out much, and when I do there is always that problem of slipping and falling on my ass. I guess that's my version of experiencing the Assores, but without the scenery.