Feels llike False Spring and bird alarm calls Milton
Outdoor Ontario

Feels llike False Spring and bird alarm calls Milton


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Yesterday and today have felt like Spring here in Milton, Birds have returned to my feeder which is favourable.Last week I started sprinkling black oil seeds on the rocks we have scattered along the back fence this has attracted Cardinals and Juncos to the yard. Late last week I spotted a Junco at my hanging feeder, I don't recall ever seeing one do this before.
Today I was standing outside by my sliding door on the deck and noticed a Junco hidden somewhere next door sounding the alarm call. "Check" "Check". I opened the door to grab a cup of seed that I had placed inside yesterday when I turned around and went back to sprinkle some seed a Hawk blasted thru the yard and disappeared between the houses next door.  I am just assuming it was a Coopers Hawk it happened so very fast. I thought the Junco was sounding the alarm because I was outside.

Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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At first my contingent of juncos stayed on the ground under the hanging feeder to pick up scatter from above. Eventually they clued-in to the success enjoyed by the other birds and started to perch on the feeder as well, sometimes for only ten seconds but at other times much longer, even when another bird was already at the trough. They adapt!

Lately I have been having problems with a squirrel that keeps returning despite pyrotechnics. Also, starlings have decided to enter the frenzy and therefore I have removed the mixed seed feeder for a while and now have only niger seeds on offer. Even the Downy woodpeckers are taking their fill. I'm trying to attract the House finches that almost never show up, or if they do show up, can't compete with the other birds and fly away again.

There are two White-throated sparrow again. Probably a mated pair. They tend to be crepuscular feeders and are not much seen during the day. A pair of cardinals are also fairly regular visitors. No sign of the Tree sparrow for several days now.