Little Reesor Pond
Outdoor Ontario

Little Reesor Pond


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LRP is open water and at a high level. The small isle opposite the observation spit (actually smaller than a spit ... a spittle?). Let's call it a jut. Anyway, call it what you may, there is very little of the isle visible (above water level) and I haven't concluded whether that is a good thing or not.
Killdeer and sandpipers, including Yellowlegs, are known to forage along the perimeter of the islet and being the way it is right now that would be rather silly.

Sightings of note: Swamp sparrow / Blue-winged Teal (male and female) / Ring-necked ducks (two pair) / Bufflehead ducks (5 males and two females) / Turkey vulture. Heard a squelch sound, much like a walkie talkie, making that irritating squelch for about half a minute (uninterrupted). It was almost like someone dropped an AI-equipped cellphone that was pleading for help. The sound was too steady and too long in duration to be made by some kind of wildlife, but I'm willing to be edified should anyone know what causes a squelch-like alarm sound and also has a heartbeat. Excluding me, of course.