Crusading Moth
Outdoor Ontario

Crusading Moth


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When one is not yet fully awake, the sight of a moth on a crusade tends to give me that much-needed jolt that even coffee fails to provide. More so, in fact, when the exhausted knight lingers beyond the night by hiding behind a large peony, offering me just a glimpse in passing for the first double-take of the day. I had to fold back the peony with one hand while holding my camera with the other hand, forcing me to balance my coffee on the top of my head, feeling silly but also proud of the feat.

Haploa clymene


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I honestly would rather see your pic with a coffee mug on your head.


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The appearance of that moth is very striking. I hope to catch a glimpse of one sitting on a milkweed some day. Thanks for posting. 


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Hope is a wonderful thing, but why a milkweed? I picture a caravan of these moths silhouetted on a tiny hillock by the setting sun, marching not flying because that would be too easy, calling out as they commit to the crusade ... nee, nee!  Yes, that it! The knight moths that say ... nee. To be quite honest with you, I hope to never see that scenario. I'm now rather unsettled about going to sleep tonight.  What if I see a Maltese cross ... nee, nee.

Dr. John

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Very cool moth, worth the effort for the pic.