Ontario Gold Ore Rocks in RockWalk Park
Outdoor Ontario

Ontario Gold Ore Rocks in RockWalk Park


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Northern College in Temiskaming Shore, Ontario has a great collection of rocks and mineral samples.

I was lucky to have met Mr Graham Gambles who is in charge of the RockWalk Park. He was kind enough to explain the geological meanings of some of the rocks to me.



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You went all the way up to Metachewan! Wow, that's a bit of a haul. I guess the cost of gasoline doesn't deter you, does it. I've been as far north as Gogama, only slightly less far north by latitude, and that was back in the 1970's. My father used to go to the Metachewan area to go moose hunting in the 60's and early 70's. He said the bush was so dense that he could barely penetrate it. Butchering a moose in the field surrounded by blackflies was not something I would ever consider worth pursuing. I do remember that those moose steaks and roasts were delicious. I can still remember him stringing a moose hind quarter up on the joists in the basement and cutting off choice pieces while my mother wrapped them up and put them in a freezer. A clear memory of it yet in other ways it also seems like a hundred years ago.  Just hearing the name Metachewan brought it all back. I don't know whether to thank you for that or not.


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Wait, did I say I was in the RockWalk Park in Northern College, Temiskaming Shores?  ;D