Looking at Diamond Host Rock In Ontario
Outdoor Ontario

Looking at Diamond Host Rock In Ontario


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This is one of the series that I am making about RockWalk Park in Temiskaming Shores.

Mr. Graham Gambles provides some interesting information about the rock from Victor Mine in northern Ontario.

Hope my silly laughter entertains a bit as well, lol. ;D



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Good idea and definitely unique. I hope you continue with it. Consider though, that when filming with a GoPro, or any non-professional camera that uses a small sensor, your images will be too bright and too contrast laden. Filming the shaded side of the boulder and using a reflective panel (collapsible) to profound less intense fill light might work out better. Alternatively, you could open a translucent umbrella that will provide your subject area with a less intense and softer light. As you have pointed out once before, a rock surface is a difficult thing to capture on video. Perhaps moving the camera around a little will offer a more engaging view. The green crystals could be of the Olivine group, such as Serpentine, or perhaps Sphene, indicating that zircon crystals might also be present. I wish more people would undertake intelligent projects like you do. Stuff like this makes me want to get up in the morning.


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Thanks for your encouragement. It was not a planned project. I just happened to meet this gentleman in Haileybury.

It was not filmed with a GoPro. If it were a GoPro which would have stablization capacity, I would move around. What happened to my GoPro then? I lost the charging cable and could not charge it.   ;)

But I do have more GoPro clips from the previous day. Haven't even looked at them.


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Oh dear. You lost your card before and now you lost your charging cable. You need a team to take care of the little things so that you can focus and concentrate on the big picture. I'm going to pretend that this project was a creatively brilliant idea in keeping with my image of you and not some extemporaneous incidental lark, because I prefer the former illusion to the reality that you proclaim. You're the only one, ... OK, perhaps one of the only members of this forum that is doing something and that should be applauded, not trivialized.


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Red translucent garnet (pyrope):

Garnet crystal (rough)


piece of larger crystal that broke-off during extraction - the dark parts are crystal inclusions of ... heck, I don't know ... you tell me.


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Very nice specimens! Are they in your collection? Look carefully, there must be diamonds somewhere there!! ;D 
« Last Edit: October 13, 2023, 10:21:42 AM by Charline »


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I don't really have a collection any more. Gave it all away to kids that showed an interest.