Red Filter in B&W
Outdoor Ontario

Red Filter in B&W


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A red filter will block the short wavelength blue light from reaching the sensor making the sky dark. In the digital domain that effect can be taken to greater depths. I've used this for 'Ghost Squadron'


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Interesting experiment.

Did you use a physical filter? I have a red glass filter but never used it because the matching len was broken

Photoshop also comes with digital filters.


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I used to have a red filter that fit the kit lens of my Minolta film camera but I haven't seen those filters in years ... no idea where they are. I don't have a physical screw-on red filter for my Canon because good filters are just too expensive these days, as is everything else. I used the digital modality in PS. There are a number of options including: pre-set red filter (kind of noisy), manual adjustment of all colours to create a red filter equivalent ( a little less noisy) and finally an adjustment called 'Calibration' under RAW filter package. Final tweaks can be achieved with the levels adjustment. Also, noise-reduction helps to eliminate the background gristle that pops up when a red filter is dialed in.

I liked the image in colour too because the sky came out soft and pellucid while the Mute swans almost glowed, which made me think of ghosts. I often contemplate images in B&W so on this occasion I felt the subject and lighting could be leveraged to really make it pop, like swans flying at night yet also being mysteriously illuminated. I mostly did it for you because I imagined that you would be sympathetic with that vision. I could be wrong ... I'm very good at being wrong ... years of experience.


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Hahaha thanks Sir.

Here is my boring image


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Never say boring. Your ghost flyers are escaping the distant mushroom cloud ... all to no avail because their swan is cooked. Since you didn't have any blue in your sky (all off-white) I couldn't process in the same way, so I solarized it and then tweeked.

I went out this morning to East Point Park to check for Am. Woodcock (reported there yesterday) but didn't see one, or hear one. The place is as wet as the Wet Woods at TTP. A couple of woodcock were also spotted at Darlington yesterday. They can't compare to glow-in-the-dark swans. Your swans are Trumpeters and therefore your hand beats my hand and you win the pot. That means you have to clean it too.


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You really like it black and white!  8)