FOY Ruby-crowned kinglets
Outdoor Ontario

FOY Ruby-crowned kinglets


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This morning in Petticoat Creek Park (in Pickering) I spotted a small group of RC kinglets. Most were about 5 meters into the bush and trying to get through that bush would have made a lot of noise. One kinglet came closer to the edge where I was standing. I missed the prominent flashing of the ruby crown, as always, and after a vehicle came by the troupe quickly moved on. I also heard and saw my FOY Gray catbird. It was perched way up in a tree singing its entire repertoire. It was otherwise quiet: one N. flicker, one Brown creeper and many song sparrows and RWBBs. The NW breeze was rather cold even though the temperature was 9 degrees. I was hoping for YBSS and Winter wren but no sign of either.