Napper at the Beach
Outdoor Ontario

Napper at the Beach

Napper · 6 · 1116


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I guess I was wrong about activity here today. Current temp is 20 C on the deck and the trees are alive with Chickadee's and Gold Finch's.  I spotted a Flicker shortly after arriving and a Pileated WP Banging away at the Top of a large Oak behind the house. I am also hearing Cardinals and Grackles (unsusual).
No camera today,  No Heat from Furnace?? Gas fireplace in basement is cooking.

Put feeder up and Chickadees were visited in less than 10 minutes. I also spotted a Falcon of some sort, It looked larger than a Merlin or a Kestrel. Dunno
Napper :)
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Lucky you!

I wish I can find a PWP this year.


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Some people get to stay at a beach house and some people regularly get to see a Pileated woodpecker. The most gifted get both, while cultivating a reputation for sleeping on the beach in retirement. Such perks are all due to hard work and clever thinking, which is why I'm known as SS. So, since you seem to work hard for your shots, display talent and present no dearth of clever ideas while serving your term on this outmoded institution, I believe that there is a very good chance that a PWP is even now conspiring to intercept you at some point during the unfolding of this season. Thinking positively costs nothing and it's always good for a laugh, which is what you get when a PWP arrives and it's piercingly loud enough at close range to make you jump. I should know. It happens when I'm busy squeezing through tight spots in dense bush, boots stuck in mud, bent-over to slip under a sturdy branch ... a sudden Pileated laugh at my predicament ... and bang, my head hits the branch, shi ... you peckerhead, you're a monster. You just wait until Charline gets a big fat lens in your silly face and then who's laughing?    What?     It could happen!


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Poor Charline only gets to see holes left by PWK.  :o ;D


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Even with heavy rain throughout the day the whole area around the yard was buzzing with activity and bird song.Heard a White Throat sparrow singing, had a Chipping sparrow at the feeder even a  House Wren checked out the feeder.
We waited till the rain stopped and the radar looked promising before heading home.A little dissapointed I couldn't fit the camera in the vehicle. I really should have brought it with my sound recoreder. Full load going up and another on the way home.
Napper :)
p.s. I haven't seen a Chipping sparrow in Milton yet.

Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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Forgive me if I'm misinformed but doesn't a mobile phone also record digital audio files? Not that I would absolutely know one way or the other because I don't have one, nor will I ever. I have nicknames for these devices: ball & chain, tracking device, money pit, wormhole, hand (digital)  disabler, high tech liability, etc.