Fog Report - May 1st
Outdoor Ontario

Fog Report - May 1st


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Thick fog along the lakefront this morning with little to no wind to disperse it. No new warblers seen, just a couple of Yellow-rumped and one Nashville and one Yellow warbler. FOY (for me at least) included: White-crowned sparrows x 2, Chipping Sparrow x1, Swamp sparrow x 1, and Red-headed woodpeckers x 2.

A few flicker were present and one Red-bellied WP. Not a single Hermit thrush seen all morning. Spotted a Brown Thrasher almost lost in the mist, a Gray catbird and a single Northern waterthrush. Once again, the most prevalent bird was the White-throated sparrow (hundreds of them) followed closely in number by RC kinglets. Unlike last visit, there was no Winter wren or Carolina wren seen today, but I did see a House wren.

Bird Brain

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I was amazed at the heavy fog last night, overnight and this morning right up to the windows!  TWN had issued a Fog Advisory with zero visibility warning for drivers.
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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Some photos taken in the fog and then defogged in PS.

Brown Thrasher

Swamp Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Northern Flicker

FOY Chipping Sparrow

FOY Red-headed Woodpecker