I have not been out that way in quite some time. The morning brought cloud cover, sunny break, cloud cover, sunny break, then almost started to rain and therefore time to head home. As soon as I got out of my car I could already hear bird calls all around me, including warblers. Turns out though that most of those warblers were too high and out of reach. At first there were very few people about but as the morning matured that all changed and then it was an issue of constant interruption, especially when I found something of interest. Much of the time my ISO was set quite high but the 7D can handle that condition better than my old camera, although nothing like a FX sensor would.
Sightings of interest (for me): Myrtle warbler (Eastern yellow-rumped), Am Redstart (M F), Cape May, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat, B&W, Canada, RC kinglet, Warbling vireo, Eastern kingbird, Least FC, Belted kingfisher, Baltimore oriole, Orchard oriole, House wren (h), Robin on a nest, BT Blue (h), Mourning warbler, Chickadee nest, possible White-rumped sandpiper.
Strangely enough, there was no sign of killdeer on the beach even though I almost always saw at least one on previous visits, including nesting killdeer and killdeer chicks. Out on the lake there were a few Long-tailed ducks, and DC cormorants. On the marsh side there were Trumpeter swans and a GBH.
Orchard Oriole
Mourning warbler
Baltimore oriole
Eastern kingbird
Common yellowthroat
Canada warbler