A Day of Urban Mammals
Outdoor Ontario

A Day of Urban Mammals

Dr. John

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In the morning we greeted our usual backyard squirrels, begging for peanuts at our backdoor.  Then on a drive up the DVP, a lone groundhog stood sentinel in the grassy median just north of Spanbridge.  In the forest of tall apartment buildings near Mel Lastman Square, a very young cottontail browsed on the grass just beside the sidewalk.  Driving east on the 401, 2 deer were nestled on the slopes of Don Mills Road, taking in the late day sun.  Then back in our backyard we saw a disabled mother raccoon (one paw is not usable) tending to 4 healthy looking young ones.  A walk beside Bridgepoint Health led us to a cache of discarded muffins where two rats made repeated visits after determining that we were innocuous bystanders.


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Mammals adapt.  Nuff said.

Dr. John

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On a neighbourhood walk Wed. evening, an opossum trundled across our street and wandered through several front gardens.  We have also seen one visiting our backyard earlier this spring.


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Audacious creatures, for sure.  At least they don't come scratching against the front door looking for hand-outs, just sitting there on the stoop, looking needy with a toothy grin, knowing that they'll chew through your brake lines if you don't cough up some quality grub when they come to the door.


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You are a very observant person! Wish I could find so many creatures.

Dr. John

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Saw another opossum in our backyard last week in the evening.  The raccoon family continue to be regular visitors.