I didn't get up early today ... forgot how. The sun was intense but the humidity had abated so I visited the Rouge, which is nearby and conducive to my plan, endorsed by Charline, to do nothing strenuous. I didn't expect to see much of interest bird-wise bit I figured that there might be butterflies and dragonflies to photograph. There were no butterflies and only one Whitetail dragonfly. I took a shot but then realized it would be better to drastically increase my depth-of-field since I was using my telephoto lens plus 2X TC attached. I was just about to make the appropriate adjustment when three people came by the trail and off flew the dragonfly back to its lair. Predictable really, act of purest optimism to have turned the dials of the camera in the first place. I then walked over to the shade of a big tree and heard a Pileated WP above me. It was far away but I did have 600mm to play with having attached the teleconverter. Also saw an Eastern Wood pewee and a House wren nearby. A catbird was singing an aria, non-stop, the whole time that I was there. It found an elevated perch on a hydro tower. The aria may have been inspired by all those hard straight lines and rust. I really should get a macro lens for plants.
Common whitetail
Pileated WP (there were two of them)
Contralto catbird
Bank swallow
Flowering raspberry with spider approaching bug and hidden companion bug searching under the petal for spiders. These horror stories are so predictable.