Highlights of Niagara Falls you may not know
Outdoor Ontario

Highlights of Niagara Falls you may not know


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I bought a $20 weekend day pass which combined the Go Train and Niagara Falls WeGo bus a few days ago.

This clip shows some highlights of my 5-hour visit. There might be some places and attractions that you have never been to.



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I haven't been to 'the falls' since the 1970's and I don't recall there being that many visitors at the time.  In another couple of decades there might be so many people that some of them will only get to see the rising mist and hear the thunderous water but never get anywhere near enough to the railing to actually see the falls.  I'm sure that visiting Americans find it irksome that their American Falls seems so puny and distant compared to the Canadian Horseshoe Falls and perhaps that's why they perpetrated the plan to dress the passengers on the water ferries in raincoats all of the same colour per boat.  The red boat and the blue boat navigating the white water, giving us red,white and blue ... the American flag!  Yes, yes, I know, there are also yellow coat on the observation platform next to the falls, but those guys are all losers because they couldn't make it on the boat in time.  So many people ... everywhere ... like locusts.  I'm sure the folks in town don't mind them eating like locusts ... it's good for business, and that's what NF is all about, money.  I remember some comment made in Ken Burns's documentary about American's National Parks concerning the unmitigated influx of park visitors when roads were finally built and the wilderness looked like a campground, or trailer park.  I guess that no one expected quite that fervent a response and wondered what have we done.  Others just rubbed there hands together with glee because they saw the financial windfall.  When you slip off onto a trail away from all the hubbub I find myself relaxing a bit.  Your GoPro was much better behaved this time.  I guess you just had to remind it that you're the boss.  You must have been exhausted.  Filming and narrating and directing and editing and financing, wrangling a rainbow or two and having to get your own coffee.  This has been a Me Production.  Heck, you even do your own stunts.  Thanks for posting.  I've now got to find something to wipe the moisture of my glasses ... that mist is malingering.