I'm glad that you enjoy the photos because I certainly enjoy taking them ... most of the time. Please find below more from this morning:
August 14th
Juvenile Blackburnian warbler
Juvenile Cape May warbler
Juvenile Chestnut-sided warbler
I'm planning to go out again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll manage to leave earlier than I did during the last two days. Getting to a park by 7 o'clock is too late, so I'll need to get up at about 5:30 a.m. By 7 o'clock the park employees are already out and about setting up for day camp and they make a lot of noise. Juvenile warblers seem most active from sunrise to about 8 o'clock, after which time ... forget it! By Friday it will be too humid for me ... and it might rain, off and on, for the next three days after that.
BTW, I've got another plant for you under NATURE. It's easy.