The first time that I saw Yellowlegs was in the Rouge. I remember that it struck me as rather impressive because I had just previously spotted a much more pedestrian Solitary sandpiper that was thoroughly confused by its own mediocrity. I was definitely pleased that I had managed to find something of interest and not quit the game scoreless. My inaugural Yellowlegs flew in and landed on a log in the bog, which gave me new respect for this bird's command of rhyme. Those long, yellow legs were certainly titular but at first I wasn't quite sure if it was a Greater or a Lesser variety. I was not very close to it. After training my lens upon it I was able to make out the upward deflection of the bill, or maybe I just wanted to see it. Either way, after that encounter I was eager to see another one of these interesting birds at closer range. I imagined getting a shot of one walking toward me, out of the fog, and then I tripped on a protruding root because I was daydreaming instead of paying attention to my surroundings. I wouldn't make it through the day otherwise.
The Greater yellowlegs pictured below advanced to a more photogenic distance after suddenly coming into view around some dense vegetation. I didn't have yellowlegs on my mind at all. On this occasion it didn't present with a rhyme but it did inspire some alliteration on my part ... ah, those long lean lanolin legs! OK, once again, I didn't mean that quite the way it sounded. Ayway, after it entered the scene it walked right up to me, hunched as I was to appear inconspicuous. Both the bird and its reflection almost conspired to get my attention and so I saluted with a shutter clap.