Cedar Waxwings @ the beach
Outdoor Ontario

Cedar Waxwings @ the beach

Napper · 1 · 1926


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Another Beauty day.
Beach is packed & it is warm.

I was stumbling back from corner store, Wife and dog in front yard and said there is a bird behind you. Here is a Cedar Waxwing on our Blackberry bushes in front of the deck. Funny, my wife was 5 feet away from the bird.
I have been hearing Waxwings but have not spotted one up until now.
Napper :)

p.s we have wild Raspberry's, planted Raspberry's, wild Blackberry's and planted Blackberry's.

Interesting site you should check out is https://spaceweather.com/
flkr...http://www.flickr.com/photos/36614671@N06/   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?