One more try for the Buff-breasted sandpiper this morning, but left late. Once again, I didn't find it. No one else that I ran into had seen it either. The juvenile Black-bellied plover was still present, even at the same spot, which is too far away. Eventually it relocated a little closer but still too far away for my rig. Didn't see any Sanderlings, nor the Semipalmated plover, but I did come across a Semipalmated sandpiper. The shorebirds may have been spooked by a Peregrine falcon and a Northern harrier that was patrolling the beach. Very few warblers were present, or at least seen. Every time I spotted one it was a juvenile Yellow-rumped (Myrtle). It sprinkled for 5 minutes now and then but I had a mini umbrella in my backpack and this time I wore rubber boots.

Black-bellied plover at original site, therefore very heavy crop

Black-bellied plover at closer site. You can see that its laughing at me. A black-bellied laugh.

Closest approach, although still not really close ... 420mm

Semipalmated sandpiper

Juvenile Yellow-rumper (Myrtle) warbler

Overlord - Peregrine falcon