I returned to the Baie by the beach because I believe the best birds belong by the baie. Actually, much before 8:30 a.m. there was no activity at all.The air was still, so the lake was calm and therefore the beach was quiet, entirely without breakers. The air was humid. Maybe not by July standards but definitely sweat-worthy. I walked to the west because that's what they do in the movies. Not much to see until the beach and the baie were in close proximity (shocking what this park will permit) and then I saw a few small birds (Magnolia, Palm, Philadelphia vireo, Yellow, Swamp sparrows, Least flycacther, E. phoebe ... that sort of thing). A N. flicker came out for a photo-shoot and just hammed it up, which is strange for a flicker that eschews shutter noise. Approaching the baie side I immediately saw a juvenile Black-belled plover (I guess) hanging around with a killdeer (it's amazing what sort of fraternity they allow here) and when I came around the reeds to pursue the sound of a Marsh wren that disappeared before I could raise my camera there was, instead, a Green-backed heron snickering because I lost the shot.
Least flycatcher
Common yellowthroat
Juvenile E. Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) warbler
Merganser group on a mission
C. merganser
Palm warbler
Palm warbler
Palm warbler
N. Flicker
Very shy Black-bellied plover
Flight of the Sanderlings
Green-backed heron