October 4th - Morning
Outdoor Ontario

October 4th - Morning


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Another crisp morning with completely clear sky.  Like yesterday there was little to see, despite the northwest wind overnight.  Up until about 8 o'clock not much stirred and the terrain was mostly poorly illuminated because the low sun was still behind trees.  When I discovered any twitch it was almost certainly the result of a White-throated sparrow.  There are so many of them.   I even saw a WT near the ground beside me and ignored it for several precious seconds until I realized that it was not a sparrow at all, but a Palm warbler.  Too late to recover that fumble.  Almost immediately two more warblers arrived: a Myrtle and a Common yellowthroat.  That was it for warblers.  I saw one RC kinglet but no GC versions.  Two phoebe briefly visited near me and two juvenile sapsuckers.  Just before I left a Cooper's hawk flew over my head from behind me and landed just long enough to get a shot, which was not all that close, unfortunately.

Cooper's hawk

Dark-morph White-throated sparrow

Common yellowthroat

Myrtle (Yellow-rumped) warbler