I have not had a backyard feeder up for a long time due to squirrels, raccoons, major crimes unit stomped all over my experiment and I now I have millet growing everywhere. Well, despite all that, I put it up again and in no real span of time at all, pop there's a chickadee, and then another, and then a junco. This morning, pop, the first bird I saw on it was a Red-breasted nuthatch. I haven't seen one of those all summer.
Disclaimer: none of the birds mentioned ever made a "pop" sound. The pop was something going on in my head. It's probably nothing more than an aneurysm ... no worries.
So far, November (tail-end of year) backyard sightings:
Chickadee x 4 / DE junco x 1 / Red-breasted nuthatch x1