Like roofers
Outdoor Ontario

Like roofers


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I went for a walk today because it's been awhile and I immediately decided that it wasn't going take place through the subdivision.  A path at the bend in the street leads into the woods and that option seemed far more appealing.  It was wind-still and very quiet, save a few chattering chickadees.

Near the end of my trek I heard a woodpecker above me, somewhere, and its hammering was feeble so I assumed that it was a Downy.  Then another joined in.  After a few seconds a third woodpecker started drumming, maybe even a forth on the downbeat.  From eerie silence to what sounded like roofers from a distance.  I'd never heard that percussion fest before.  That got me thinking, which is always a mistake.  What if I were to install three or four hollow trunks in the backyard and cut them to length so that lumen diameter and trunk length became a Helmholtz resonator corresponding to a given frequency.

Then invite the local Downy clan to visit.  Each drumming peckerhead would create a predetermined tone depending upon which hollow trunk they chose to percuss.  If enough woodpeckers drum on enough hollow trunks will a musical beat ensure?  Welcome to my world of the imagination.