Unknown Goose
Outdoor Ontario

Unknown Goose

Bluffs Birder

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Hi All,

Looking for an ID for this goose found at Cootes Paradise, Burlington Bay.  Was told it was a White Barnyard Goose but I'm not 100% sure after looking in my birding books.  I think it looks more like a Snow Goose then anything else but I've seen them before and I know they're not bigger then a Canada Goose, this bird was hanging around with a Canada Goose when we saw it and it was a tad bigger.  Sorry about the image quality, we're only working with 3MP here.


Thankyou for any suggestions!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 05:41:32 PM by Bluffs Birder »

Kin Lau

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No black anywhere, that rules out snow goose. Bill shape and head doesn't look right either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Kin Lau »