There is no discrimination in my yard, any bird that wants a meal is welcome. What I do is have feeders in different areas for different kinds of birds and their feeding preferences. Starlings and grackles (and doves) prefer to feed on the ground so they get cracked corn and mixed seed and bread bits out in the yard and at a flat feeder hanging in our apple tree.
The house sparrows like our "gazebo" style feeders the best, ours are small enough that they will not support the bigger birds - they are closer to the house along with the niger seed and sunflower tube feeders for the siskins, redpolls and goldfinches.
The starlings and grackles do occasionally come to feed under the smaller feeders but usually stay out in the yard when there is food for them. They will try to work at the suet feeders, and the peanut feeder but they are hanging out in the yard and they soon give up because they are too big to hang off them.
Last year I had about 8 grackles and numerous starlings but they were all gone from the yard by June leaving the rest of the neighbourhood in peace for the summer.