Chipping Sparrows returned
Outdoor Ontario

Chipping Sparrows returned

JMCDA · 2 · 2218


  • Old Timer
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My resident pair of chipping sparrows returned sometime during the night as their familiar call was heard this morning when I was heading to my studio, shortly after I  topped up their favorite feeder I spied one gobbling up the seed. This is the 3rd year for chipping sparrows, it may not be the same ones but I prefer to think that it  I guess I will know if it is the same pair if they stick around..the song sparrows, white throated and white crowned only stayed for a day or so then moved on.

I still have 2 pair of siskins present, I watched them picking up mouthfuls of "Lucy" hair and flying off with it last week, so I guess they are sticking around for the easy food. (golden retriever, I have been saving her brushings all winter and now have it scattered about the yard in the clumps of dried grasses) The siskins disappeared on the wknd when the weather was warm but were back at the feeders yesterday - for some reason they have decided they prefer sunflower seeds now, the goldfinches do the same thing and the end of the niger never gets eaten.  I still have one or 2 pairs of Juncos as well, they are usually long gone by now, I guess i will sprinkle the niger on the ground for them as they will eat it but not from a feeder.

...also spied a YBSS and a brown creeper in the tree behind our house, first time to see those in the yard.

counting down the days until Pelee and Rondeau! :-)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JMCDA »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 104
Interesting how the birds eat differently in different locations.
I still have half a dozen juncos, and on the whole they eat on the ground, but recently a couple have started to join the A.goldfinches (brilliant yellow now) at the niger feeder, also a pair of house finches in the mix.
Plenty mourning doves too. I'm still waiting for my first white throated and white crowned sparrows (heard but not seen) and the chipping version.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Margaret »